Salix Well-Being Walk to Celebrate Best Companies Day

The Salix team recently took part in a well-being walk around the city of London, in support of Best Companies Day 2019, after being recently awarded number 21 on the ‘Sunday Times’ 2019 Best 100 Not-for-Profit Organisations to Work For’ list.

The walk gave staff the opportunity to step outside the office environment for an hour, take part in some gentle exercise and get some fresh air.

Suki Gohel, Client Support Officer at Salix said, ‘The well-being walk felt like a great way of coming together following our Sunday Times award achievement. It was a great chance to get out and about with colleagues and appreciate the sights of the city we all work in!!’

Ben Hartfield, Technical Services Coordinator at Salix said, “After attending the ceremony where Salix became the 21st not for profit to work for in the UK, the wellbeing walk was a great place to share the excitement of the evening with colleagues whilst exploring the local area.”

Best Companies helps to create a true measure of workplace engagement in order to build a happier, healthier workforce by measuring, improving and recognising great companies to work for through their best companies to work for lists and accreditations.

All staff who attended the wellness walk also made a small donation in contribution to the companies chosen charities; the Sustainability Institute – a pioneering sustainable centre in Stellenbosch, South Africa – and Educators International, a charity which implements much-needed education reforms around the world to children by giving teaching them to read.

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