Site seeing at Six Town for SHDF

Team Housing

Monday 20 November 2023

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Though a rainy day in November, that didn’t dampen the spirits of our new CEO, Emma Clancy, assistant director of Housing, Helen Clarke, learning community manager, Lisa Bach, and project support officer, Carl Davenport, who attended a site visit hosted by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to look at a Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) project being delivered by Six Town Housing in Bury.

During SHDF Wave 1, GMCA retrofitted 870 homes, bringing them up to EPC band C or above. A further 5,481 homes are expected to be retrofitted under SHDF Wave 2.1, ensuring an improved quality of life for even more Greater Manchester residents.
Housing team

From left: Emma Clancy (CEO of Salix Finance) with Anees Mank (Programme and Policy Lead - Retrofit, GMCA), Simon Nokes (Executive Director of Policy and Strategy, GMCA), and Eamonn Boylan (CEO of GMCA and TfGM).


Photo credit: Salix Finance

Salix Chief Executive Emma Clancy

“We had some insightful and productive conversations around scheme delivery. It was great to see some completed schemes under wave 1 and learn of the plans for wave 2. The variety of measures, including smart ventilation to tackle a very real concern around damp and mould, double glazing, external wall insulation, and solar PV will help ensure residents have a warm and comfortable home.

It was encouraging to learn that, so far this year, one resident hadn’t needed to pay for electricity post-retrofit work, and that resident engagement was positive. I very much look forward to seeing the end results.”

Emma Clancy CEO Salix Finance

In addition, delivery of the GMCA SHDF projects have supported green jobs, employing 99% of their workforce locally, as well as providing green skills training and new apprenticeships.

Upon completion, GMCA’s SHDF Wave 2.1 projects are expected to deliver a total annual energy saving of 26,895,921 kWh and an average bill saving for each home of around £277 every year.

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