Salix on behalf of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero | SHDF Wave 2.2 announced

Social housing

About the scheme

Tuesday 3 October 2023

A new competitive round of funding has been announced by the Department – SHDF Wave 2.2 - which allocates a further £80 million in grants to eligible Social Housing Landlords, including local authorities and housing associations, so they can install energy efficiency measures such as insulation and heat pumps in socially rented homes, supporting some of the most fuel poor households in the country.

It is estimated that the latest funding, which builds on earlier rounds, allocating over £1bn since 2019 to improve over 100,000 homes - will help upgrade up to a further 9,500 social homes, savings tenants around £240 a year on their fuel bills, and will cut carbon emissions in support of the Government's approach to Net Zero.

Eligible social housing landlords will be able to apply for the new round of funding from late November, with further details on eligibility and the application process made available on Gov.UK in mid-October.

The scheme is set to target eligible organisations that did not receive funding under Wave 2.1, issued in March 2023. Funding will be available in the financial year 2024/25.

Existing schemes continue to upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below EPC C, bringing them up to that standard whilst tackling fuel poverty, reducing carbon emissions and delivering energy-efficient homes. In addition, the new wave of funding will continue to support the green economy by supporting local jobs.

View the latest list of projects funded through the SHDF 2.1 scheme for which Salix act as Delivery Agent.

Frequently asked questions

You can contact us via a dedicated mailbox for any queries associated with the new Wave or monitor our website for further information.

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As Delivery Agent, we provide oversight and assurance to the Department to ensure the successful delivery of HUG2, SHDF 2.1 and 2.2 schemes and that scheme outcomes and value for money is optimised.

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