Our Governance

Our board members

Our leadership team

How we make decisions

The Framework Agreement and Delegated Authority that governs the relationship and responsibilities of the parties agreed between Salix and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is dated 30 September 2020 and appears below (since 7 February 2023, our sponsoring government department changed from Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero).

The CEO of Salix is the Accounting Officer for Salix. The Accounting Officer is required to formulate the Board’s strategy and is accountable to Parliament in respect of the handling and use of public funds. Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (formerly the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)  sends a representative to directors’ meetings who acts as an observer and does not vote.

The Board of Directors

A Board composed of executive and non-executive directors ensures that effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on risk management, governance and internal control.  This meets monthly. The Board works in accordance with a Business Operating Framework and Scheme of Delegation and Board members must observe the Code of Conduct for Board Members, see below.

A register of the interests of Board Members and the Executive Team can be found below.

Board minutes

Salix publishes minutes of Board meetings and agendas, policy proposals and decisions which may be viewed here.

The Board has two Committees to assist with its work:

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

The Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee meets quarterly and provides assurance on risk specifically. Its Terms of Reference can be found below.

The committee maintains oversight of internal audit activities, which are independent of operational activities. The Head of Internal Audit reports directly to the chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. 

Remuneration Committee

A remuneration committee meets once every six months and considers terms for Board Members and staff, subject to any limits imposed by the Cabinet Office or Treasury. Its Terms of Reference can be found below. The minutes of this Committee are confidential.

Annual Report

Our Annual Report and Financial Statements, including our Governance Statement can be found below.

Salix Annual Business Plan

Salix Annual Business Plan

This report sets out Salix’s goals and objectives and how we will achieve them. The Annual Business Plan includes sections on our role, our mission, our people and core objectives for 2024-25. It also includes a section on delivering our core objectives.


Framework Documents, Procedures and Guidance

A series of policy and guidance documents ensure that Salix’s mission and objectives are clearly set out and that staff know what is expected of them, with practical guidance to assist in carrying out their functions. Published below are our key policies that govern the use of public funds, expected behaviours and our relationship with service users.

Other documents may be made available upon request.

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