Salix College Energy Fund – Accepting Applications until 27th October
Salix is pleased to announce the launch of a new round of funding for Further Education Colleges in England, in partnership with the EAUC and supported by the Association of Colleges. The funding ensures Further Education Colleges can invest in energy efficient technologies, resulting in both carbon and financial savings.
Since the first round of funding in 2014, Salix have funded energy efficiency projects for over 50 FE Colleges, resulting in estimated annual savings of over £1.6 million on energy bills. The funding is available for over 120 energy-efficiency technologies and Salix is able to support programmes of work spanning multiple years.
Projects will be assessed and funding allocated based on value for money both in terms of financial payback on funding requested and estimated carbon savings. To apply for funding please follow the link to the application page. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact a member of the FE team who will be happy to help with any questions you may have.
Salix will also be launching a further round of funding later in the year, FEs who intend to apply for future rounds are encouraged to register their interest by submitting an ‘Expression of Interest’ form
Kirklees College Case Study
Kirklees College has utilised Salix funding on many occasions since 2009, carrying out over 75 projects in this time. Most recently they were awarded £26,598 from the previous round of the College Energy Fund to carry out a range of energy efficiency projects.
The projects that are currently being implemented include a number of lighting upgrades replacing inefficient lighting with high efficiency LED luminaires, and the installation of boiling water taps to replace a number of kettles.
These are estimated to save over 40 tCO2 per year with predicted annual financial savings of over £9,800.
Daniel Bedford, Head of Estates & Facilities at Kirklees College said:
“Salix has been fundamental in driving energy efficiency projects throughout the college, as without Salix funding these projects would not have gone ahead.
The many projects, ranging from numerous lighting upgrade schemes to improved mechanical plant insulation covers, have driven down energy consumption and costs year on year allowing continued investment in efficient plant replacement.
The Salix team provide effective support throughout the application process and the project implementation period.”