Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) wins £25m grant under the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme


Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) has successfully received a grant totalling almost £25m as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, which will be used to install several energy efficient technologies, including the replacement of gas and coal fired boilers. It is estimated that these measures will save the Trust £1.8m a year in energy costs as well as reduce annual carbon emissions by 6645 tonnes. In addition, it will also significantly improve the hospital environment for patients and staff.

The scheme, which was administered by Salix Finance on behalf of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), provides funding to public sector organisations and assists them in playing their part to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change. 

NUH received £25m from the scheme to install multiple decarbonisation measures across their estate, including the replacement of gas and coal-fired boilers that provided heating and energy for the City Hospital. Furthermore, the Trust will also undergo the demolition of the old laundry building at the heart of the NUH City Hospital site, opening the area up for future redevelopment whilst construction begins for a new energy centre equipped with power heating and electricity for the hospital. 

The project will include the installation of solar photo voltaic panels, adding a renewable solar energy supply to the Trust, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases consumed. Air source heat pumps will also be fitted around the premises, further lowering emissions and reducing energy costs. In addition, NUH is set to receive Government funding in the second wave of the Health Infrastructure Plan (HIP), which will deliver 40 new hospitals by 2030.

Andrew Chatten, Director of Estates and Facilities at NUH, said: “It’s fantastic news that we’ve been successful in securing this grant funding. We have long wanted to replace the old, inefficient gas-fired boilers on the City Hospital site and remove the coal-fired boilers which were also very damaging for the environment and costly to run. The energy efficient measures we will be able to install in their place will quickly pay for themselves, generating energy savings of around £1.8m per year”.

Sameen Khan, NHS programme manager for Salix Finance, added: “We are pleased that we can support NUH and be a partner in their landmark project. Their commitment to improving patient care, facilities, reducing their carbon footprint and considering the impact they were having on the environment, has been emphasised from the onset of their funding application and relationship with Salix”.

To find out more about the Phase 1 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme click here