Twyford Parish Council makes substantial carbon and financial savings thanks to an LED street lighting upgrade


Like many local councils across the country, Twyford Parish Council in Buckinghamshire looked at ways in which they could reduce their carbon footprint and improve the local street lighting for residents.  

The council recently upgraded 24 streetlights across the parish with more efficient LED lanterns, reducing running costs and improving the amount of maintenance required.  

Having identified a local company to support the parish with the installation, the council looked to Salix to support them by providing the funds to make the project possible.  

Salix provided the council with a £3,825 interest-free loan, 50% of the total project value.  

Andrea Curtis, Parish Clerk for the council, said: “Having identified a local company that could supply the requisite lighting and installation, the council were referred to Salix to assist in funding the project. The process with Salix was smooth and efficient and Twyford can now look forward to effective and efficient street lighting for many years to come.” 

The LED street lighting upgrade will provide savings of around £801 and one tonne of carbon per year and £20,025 over the lifetime of the technology. 

Martha Chafer, Programme Coordinator for the Streetlighting Programme at Salix, said: “We were really pleased to support Twyford Parish Council with their energy efficiency plans. The project showcases how even a small project can make substantial carbon and financial savings.”

For more information about interest-free funding for Parish Council's, please click here