University of Strathclyde wins prestigious net zero award

A Salix Finance funded project won a prestigious net zero prize at the Centre for Engineering Education and Development’s (CeeD) awards ceremony on 24 February in Glasgow.

The University of Strathclyde won the award for its work to create a climate-neutral area within Glasgow’s innovation district.

Partners across the region worked together to identify innovative measures to create an area with 100% renewable heat, power, transport and climate change adaptation. This includes taking advantage of local natural resources by tapping into the energy from the River Clyde.

The university used money they accrued on their Salix recycling fund to commission feasibility studies enabling it to explore renewable heating solutions for the district.

The preferred solution will be based in the east of the city, where three heat pumps will be situated in the River Clyde providing 1GW of heat – enough to heat all the homes and businesses in the district – enabling the transition to a more sustainable area.

Salix Finance’s recycling fund increases long-term investment in energy-efficient technologies across the public sector by reinvesting financial savings from energy-efficiency projects into new projects which save more money while reducing carbon emissions.


Heather Jones, Salix Finance’s programme manager said: “The success of the Glasgow Climate Neutral District project is testament to the partners’ commitment to sharing knowledge and finding tangible solutions that will contribute towards creating a climate neutral district in the city centre.”

Dr Roddy Yarr, University of Strathclyde‘s executive sustainability lead, said, “Strathclyde’s thought leadership and vision, combined with a strong ambition and ‘can do’ attitude is reflected in our climate neutral districts project and this fantastic award recognises that. This is the decade of change where we have to collaborate and innovate at scale and at speed to shift the dial on climate action.”

The CeeD award recognises and champions innovative projects with Scotland’s manufacturing sector. Dr Roddy Yarr provides further details on the project in this video. 

(Partners: Glasgow City Council, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Power Energy Networks, Clyde Gateway, Climate Ready Clyde, Local Energy Scotland, Scottish Water Horizons, Zero Waste Scotland, SNCLavalin , Sustrans, Wheatley Group, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Salix)