Fraud and error resource hub


Welcome to our Fraud and error resource page. 

Here, you’ll find essential tools, templates, and insights to help you proactively manage fraud risks in your grant-funded projects on Social Housing Decarbonisation Scheme (SHDF Wave 2) and Home Upgrade Grant (HUG2). Our goal is to provide practical guidance that supports robust and compliant fraud risk management.

Supporting fraud risk assessment submissions

If you missed our recent session on FRA or want a recap, the recording below covers the essentials of fraud risk management, including best practices, key challenges, and proactive tips.

Fraud fundamentals: expert tips and strategies

Join our next session featuring insights from HUG grant recipient Broadland and South Norfolk Council. Learn about innovative approaches to fraud prevention and how to strengthen your fraud practices.

Additional support

For additional support, feel free to contact the Delivery Partner Counter Fraud Team at [email protected]

We’re here to help you in developing compliant, thorough FRA submissions that protect the integrity of your grant-funded projects.