Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Completing your project

This page provides information to help you through the completions process* for your Phase 3 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme project. You will find key documents and guidance on the following:

  • Standard completion
  • Delayed completion
  • Abandonment
  • How to claim your final 2024-25 grant payment

*Please note: All projects should follow the standard completion process unless a reasonable request to extend the practical completion date has been approved.

Standard completion

It is considered a standard completion where all measures in your project will be completed and are commissioned and operational by the grant end date stated in your Grant Offer Letter. 

Delayed completion

The delayed completion process applies where projects are unable to complete fully by the grant end date, and the remaining works will be completed after this date using alternative funding. It is not possible to claim Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme grant funding for any works taking place after the grant end date.

This may include projects where installation of all measures cannot be completed on site by the grant end date, or where all physical installations are completed on site but they are unable to be commissioned and operational at this stage because other factors, outside your control, will prevent you from doing so. 

If your project is not expected to fully complete by the grant end date, we will require a letter signed by your authorising official requesting an extension. This should include the revised expected completion date, details of the value and measures to be installed after the grant end date and confirmation that alternative funding is available to complete the project to the approved scope. 

Please inform your relationship manager as soon as possible if you expect any delays to completion of your project. Any extension to the practical completion date is not guaranteed and requests will be approved on a case by case basis. 


Unfortunately, if issues such as cost increases, feasibility concerns or delays to the programme are encountered during project delivery and these cannot be resolved, some projects may be abandoned. Please inform your relationship manager of any risks or issues that may impact your ability to deliver the project as soon as possible, so that we can best support you in exploring options to enable your project to proceed. If you should need to abandon your project, your relationship manager will provide further guidance on the abandonment process and the additional information required.

Completion documents

Once your project has fully completed and commissioned, you are expected to provide the below documents within 30 days or by the deadline for submission of all documents to receive final payment in order to close the project: 

  • A final monthly monitoring report confirming project completion
  • Practical completion certificates for all sites/works
  • Photographic evidence of installation and completion of key measures
  • Commissioning certificates (or if not available, warranty certificates or O&M manuals)
  • Boiler decommissioning certificates or decommissioning plans
  • A final updated application form (3a & 3b projects) or project form (3c projects)
  • Invoices to evidence your minimum recipient contribution to the project costs (equivalent to the costs of replacing the existing fossil fuel system with a like-for-like system or 12% of the total project costs, whichever is higher) final scope of works. 

Requesting final 2024-25 payment

Projects with grant end date 31 March 2025: For Phase 3a multi-year, Phase 3b multi-year and Phase 3c single year projects, all remaining eligible grant funding as per the compliancy criteria must be claimed as part of your final payment request (see key dates below) or it will be lost. If your project is expected to complete after the grant end date of 31 March 2025, you should speak to your Salix relationship manager to discuss next steps.

Phase 3c multi-year projects: All remaining year one grant funding as detailed in your Grant Offer Letter must be claimed as part of your final 2024-25 payment request (see key dates below) or it will be lost. Your funding allocation for year two (2025-26) cannot be increased.

Accruals payments: If you plan to submit a payment claim after period 12 (21 February 2025), you must submit the accruals forecast statement form to your Salix relationship manager to forecast your accruals payment. This form will be sent to you in early February.

Please submit your first draft on 14 February 2025 and your final revised draft no later than 14 March 2025. If you do not forecast your claims, we will not be able to make payment. 

The final date to submit all documents to Salix to claim any remaining 2024-25 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding is Thursday 17 April 2025. Failure to submit all the below documents by this date means we will be unable to pay out the remainder of your grant.

  • Invoices to evidence Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme spend (other evidence types may be accepted on a case by case basis)
  • Schedule 5 payment request
  • Statement of expenditure
  • Satisfactory information to address all outstanding conditions outlined in Schedule 2 of your Grant Offer Letter
  • If you are completing your project on or before 31 March 2025, you will also need to submit the relevant completion documents


Key payment dates

To receive payment on Please submit your forecast by Please submit all relevant payment documents by
16 April 14 February 21 March
28 May/25 June* 14 March 17 April

*Due to the volume of overdue conditions from grant recipients which need to be resolved prior to payment, it is likely we will not be able to complete all of these before the 28 May 2025 payment date. If this occurs, your final payment will be on 25 June 2025. Your relationship manager will keep you informed of your project status and payment dates as we go through this process. 

Any questions?

Please refer to the webinar slides and end of year letter you should have received, or contact your Salix relationship manager for support.