Wales Funding Programme

How to apply

The Wales Funding Programme is temporarily closed to new applications for the 2023/24 financial year. Applications received from 5pm Friday 8th March will be considered when we open for new applications in the 2024/25 financial year.

Please keep an eye on our website for up-to-date information regarding the scheme and its re-opening. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Applications should be project ready and have clear costs and savings identified with all internal approval needed in place to proceed. Applicants are welcome to combine more than one project in a single application. The Wales Funding Programme combines both the Salix Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme and the Invest to Save finance scheme into one application process. Terms and Conditions are aligned and use one single application form. Following an assessment of the application by Salix, recommendations will be passed on to the Welsh Government. The decision on funding will then be taken by the Welsh Government in consultation with Salix on the provision of the funding through either the Invest to Save or Salix Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme route. The main criteria to determine the use of the funding route has been established below.

The criteria for each funding route

Wales Funding Programme
Salix Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme Invest to Save finance
Technology types included: Various measures Energy efficiency and renewables
Organisation types eligible for funding: Public sector organisations with borrowing capacity (local authorities, schools, universities and colleges, emergency services) Welsh Government funded public sector organisations including health boards and housing associations
Interest rate: 0% 0%
Investment size: Up to 100% of project costs Up to 100% of project costs
Cost to save per tonne of carbon: Less than £278 per tonne over the lifetime of the project Less than £278 per tonne over the lifetime of the project
Payback period: Maximum 8 years Maximum 8 years

Who and what is eligible?

Public sector organisations, from local authorities, universities, police departments and NHS Health Boards are examples of who would be eligible for funding through the Salix Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme and the Invest to Save finance scheme routes. If your organisation is not listed above and you are interested in applying, then contact us. 


  • The resultant energy savings over the lifetime of the project must go directly back to the public sector.
  • The project pays back from the resultant energy savings within a maximum 8-year period, unless the applicant can evidence a special case for investment above this payback criteria. 
  • The project costs no more than £278 to save a tonne of carbon dioxide over the expected lifetime of the project. 
  • Project must be ‘additional’. A number of criteria are used to assess whether a project is ‘additional’, including: 
    • Is the project required by legislation? If so, it is ‘not additional’ 
    • Is it required by Building Regulations or planning officers? For example, a requirement for a percentage of electricity demand in new buildings to be met by onsite renewables? If so, it is ‘not additional’.  

If the project meets all the above requirements, then the project can be funded under the programme. 

Interested in applying?

If you are interested in applying but would like to discuss how Salix can support your project before making an application, you can submit an expression of interest form. In this you can outline your project, providing an overview of what you are applying for. Using this information we will be able to discuss your project with you and provide support and advice on the suitability of your project and how to ensure it is in line with the scheme criteria.

This is an optional step you can take before applying. Please send your expression of interest form to [email protected]. A member of the team will get back to you to discuss you project details and provide support on your application.  

Ready to apply?

Please follow the steps below to apply for the Wales Funding Programme. If you require assistance with your application please get in touch with the Wales Funding Programme team.

Step 1

Familiarise yourself with the Guidance Notes

Read the Wale Funding Programme Application Guidance Notes which incudes everything you need to know about the scheme including the criteria, process, and how to receive the funding. 

Key download for step 1

Step 2

Complete the application form

Fill in the application form with key details about your organisation and the project you are applying for. You will be required to submit this as part of your application.

Please include the following information as part of your application:

  • The date of expected commence and completion of the project(s)
  • The Salix funding requested for each project and the total overall value you would like to apply for or,
  • Salix funding requested expressed as % contribution of the total project cost (where an application will be funded through additional sources of funding
  • The technologies and specific work types you would like to apply for
  • The expected life of the building in which the project is due to be implemented
  • The average energy price expected to be paid
  • The load used by the existing equipment prior to project implementation, and the load after installation of the new technology to calculate annual kWh savings
  • A breakdown of estimated costs by main equipment capital costs, installation costs, project management costs, and other project costs.


Step 3

Compile all supporting documents

To support your application please ensure you compile the information and documentation listed below to be submitted as part of your application.

  • Energy-saving calculations for each measure, preferably in Excel format
  • Budget/costing documents
  • Data sheets (if available)
  • Energy and carbon monitoring plan
  • Project programme
  • Risk register

Step 4

Assign your contacts

The Main Contact is typically an Energy Manager/Officer, Project Manager/Officer or similar. They oversee the day-to-day delivery of the project and are able to provide Salix with the latest updates in terms of project delivery. The main contact will have the authority to sign off on funding drawdown documents below £1m.

The Sponsoring Director is typically a Head of department/Director or Chief. In some cases, the Main Contact and Sponsoring Director may be the same. This individual is expected to oversee the project at a strategic level and authorise funding. The Sponsoring Director will need to sign loan agreements and any funding drawdown documents for claims over £1m.

Step 5

Submit your application

Once you have completed the steps above, you can email your application to the Wales team. Please ensure the person submitting the application is an individual from the public sector body, or supporting body for example, a consultant. If a supporting body is submitting the application on behalf of the public sector body, please make sure that the Main Contact and/or Sponsoring Director is copied in.

In your email please include the following statement

  • I am authorised to make a loan application on behalf of the public sector organisation.
  • The organisation is authorised to take a Salix loan.
  • The organisation can make repayments through a Direct Debit.
  • The project meets the criteria of ‘additional’set out in the application notes (i.e. the project has not already started, the full funding has not already been agreed from a different source, the project is above and beyond meeting required legislation/Building Regulations and the project is not being implemented for commercial gain other than the reduction in costs through increased energy efficiency).
  • The organisation will directly receive the benefit of the resultant energy savings.
  • We have or will follow the agreed procurement route for this project in line with any internal procurement policy for our organisation or the relevant Local Authority (where applicable).


Next steps

Email your application to [email protected].

Once your application has been submitted, you may expect to hear from the team within five working days.

Contact us