Staffordshire University Academies Trust

Key information


Phase 2 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme

Technologies used:

Air source heat pump, Building Energy Management System (BEMS)


West Midlands

Client type:


Estimated savings


Annual savings


Total grant value


Annual carbon savings tCO2e*

Working with Salix

Project overview

Staffordshire University Academies Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) which consists of 20 academies, made up of 19 primary schools and one secondary school, serving over 4000 pupils. The Trust was awarded £96,880 as part of the Phase 2 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) to decarbonise All Saints Church of England Academy in Denstone. The funding, provided by the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, delivered by Salix, will see the installation of air source heat pumps to replace its current oil-fired boiler system.

With its pre-existing oil-fired boiler system being in situ for over two decades, since the building was commissioned in 1999. The boilers were reaching the end of their lifespan and there was an adverse environmental and budgetary impact on the building which needed to be addressed. The new system ensures that the building is both warm and energy efficient and will provide an environment that supports quality teaching and learning.

In addition to the installation of air source heat pumps, its building energy management system and heating control valves will also be upgraded, in a move which will see the trust significantly improve its energy efficiency and reduce its annual carbon footprint by over 21 tonnes. Jo Goodwin, Office Manager at All Saints, described how proud the Academy is in becoming one of the first schools to lead the way in reducing their carbon footprint by installing the new air-sourced heating system.

All Saints CE Academy

The grant has enabled us to upgrade All Saints heating system to an energy sustainable solution, with a bureau-controlled energy management to ensure that the system can be managed to maximum efficiency.

Hope Kirkham Operations Manager Staffordshire University Academies Trust

Encouraging sustainability initiatives

All Saints Church of England Academy has actively involved its pupils, who are passionate about the environment. As part of their curriculum, pupils have been learning about climate change, and in 2021, to mark COP26, pupils learned about positive changes they could make to support a healthier planet.

In key stage 2, each child has made a pledge of the changes they are committed to as well, with examples including walking more often, switching lights and electrical items off, planting and growing more. They also wrote letters to Greg Hands, Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, about their pledges, the new boiler and heating program and the improved energy rating that they are anticipating for their school building. The Academy runs an eco-club, where pupils look after the pond and observe wildlife growing in the area, learning how to grow and cook their own vegetables. They have gardening days as well, were parents, grandparents, teachers, pupils and carers spend time in the garden and tidy up.

Staff are also encouraged to operate more sustainably; government sustainability guidance and tips are regularly shared with staff, as well as looking at how this can be developed for the Trust.

March 2022

*tonnes of Carbon Dioxide, calculated using Green Book emissions factors for electricity published by the government.

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