Peer-to-peer collaboration and knowledge sharing essential to delivering successful decarbonisation works

Dozens of individuals working on Phase 3 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme projects across England came together

Our in-person knowledge sharing event in Reading connected dozens of stakeholders to listen, learn and discuss all things Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme project delivery.

Dozens of individuals working on Phase 3 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme projects across England came together at our knowledge sharing event in Reading this week.

Held at the University of Reading, the day invited public sector representatives working on ongoing and new projects funded through the scheme to connect, learn and discuss project delivery issues.

Jake Helliwell, programme coordinator at Salix, said: “It was fantastic to bring together so many passionate individuals in one room, and to hear more about their new and ongoing works. 

"It was nice to meet so many of our clients in person and talk through their different challenges. 

"There was a great wealth of experience in the room, our speakers spoke frankly about the ups and downs of delivering decarbonisation projects. 

"From some of the conversations held afterwards I know attendees were able to pick up different tips and tricks that can be applied to their own projects."

There was a great wealth of experience in the room, our speakers spoke frankly about the ups and downs of delivering decarbonisation projects.

Jake Helliwell programme coordinator Salix

Speakers on the day included three experts from organisations that have completed successful Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme projects. They were joined by our Salix delivery and technical team members who spoke about project responsibilities, conditions, change requests and more.

First to speak was Dan Fernbank, energy and sustainability director at the University of Reading, who spoke about specific challenges faced by the projects and making the most of funding. The University of Reading have successfully received funding through Phase 1 and Phase 3b of our Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme and Phase 2 of our Low Carbon Skills Fund.

Next was Martin Peat, executive director of finances and estates at Mid-Kent College, who spoke about the trade-offs between ground source and air source heat pumps, as well as how to ensure a positive working relationship with your chosen consultants. Mid-Kent College have received a £5 million grant award for a multi-year project through Phase 3b of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.

Jeremy Martin, head of energy and carbon management at the London Borough of Hackney, spoke about creative solutions to overcome electrical capacity constraints and the challenges of keeping buildings open during heat decarbonisation works. The London Borough of Hackney have successfully delivered projects across three phases of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.

The day closed with a panel discussion and Q&A session which invited attendees to ask any questions they may have about anticipated challenges, how these could be overcome, and ultimately how they can deliver successful projects that achieve the best outcomes for their community.

Jessica Whitehead, events manager at Salix, said: “It was a great way to facilitate the peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing we know is important to our grant recipients. 

“We are so pleased to hear that attendees found the event valuable and came away with new knowledge and lessons that they plan to apply to their own works.” 

You can see more about events held and attended by us on our website.