The Scotland Recycling Fund

How to apply

Our application process is easy and is made up of these simple steps for the The Scotland Recycling Fund.

Step 1

Project compliance tool

A completed project compliance tool is required for the establishment of a Recycling Fund. This tool allows you to check your projects meet the compliancy criteria required as well as provide a pipeline of projects that would be facilitated by the creation of the Recycling Fund. Applications that include multiple technologies only require one compliance tool.

For projects over £100,000, applicants will need to complete a business case which can be found embedded within the compliance tool.

To complete the project compliance tool you will need to know:

  • The date of expected commencement and completion of the project(s).
  • The expected life of the building in which the project is due to be implemented.
  • Salix funding requested for each project including any appropriate sub-metering.
  • Salix funding requested expressed as % contribution of the total project cost (where an application not asking Salix for the full amount of the project.
  • The average price expected to be paid for energy used in the project over the payback period of the project.
  • The load used by the existing equipment prior to the change and the load after installation of the new technology to give an annual kWh saving; from the above, the % kWh you are projecting to save.
  • Gather supporting information such as calculations, technical specifications, or evidence of project costs to be attached alongside the project compliance tool.

Once you have inputted this information, the project compliance tool tests that each project will pay for itself over the lifetime of the project and that the project payback is shorter than the expected future life of the building. The final column indicates whether or not the project meets the compliance criteria.

With regards to energy price, please bear in mind that over the course of the project payback period, energy prices may change, and the figure used should be one you believe your organisation will be paying, on average, during that period.

All requested data must be completed on the project compliance tool or the application will not be successful. Provided a project meets the scheme’s compliance criteria, project costs can include installation costs and the cost of project managing the installation if this is required, e.g. the cost of the client’s own expertise and/or consultant to manage the implementation and completion of a project.

In particular, for larger projects, we also allow and would recommend that the cost of any appropriate sub-metering be included as part of the total project cost. We would see this as very beneficial to support the future monitoring of actual consumption and associated savings be it for internal or external verification.

If your organisation cannot reclaim VAT, this should be included as part of both the project cost and fuel costs. If VAT can be reclaimed, it should be excluded from the calculations.

Key Download for step 1

Step 2

Complete a business case

For projects valued over £100,000 complete a business case template. The business case template can be found in the project compliance tool under the fourth tab.

If your project is valued under this amount skip this step and move to the next step.

Step 3

Complete an Application Form

Once you have completed the supporting documentation, such as the project compliancy tool, you can complete an Application Form send it to us via email.

Key document download for step 3

How to complete your Application Form

Fill in your organisational and personal contact details

The first step of filling out your Application Form is to input organisational information such as, the legal name of you organisation, what type of organisation you are, and your address. Additionally, in this section you will also input the information of the primary contact for your Recycling Fund and the information of the sponsoring director of your application.

Funding application information

In this section you will input information regarding the requested funding. Required information includes the total Salix funding requested and the client matched contribution (usually a 75:25 split). As well as information on the management of the fund, such as the organisation’s energy manager, who will be the designated fund manager, and whether you will be taking advantage of the management cost option.

Fund management information

Fill out the table or attach an organisational structure which lists the relevant personnel and how they relate to the sponsoring director and fund manager.

Attach all relevant supporting information

Attach the following supporting information to your Application Form:

  • Completed project compliancy tool
  • Relevant supporting calculations
  • Carbon Management Plan
  • Letter of support from sponsoring director
Declaration and submission

Complete your Application Form by signing the declaration and subsequently submit your application form to us at Salix.

Send your application form to

Step 4

Conditional Grant Award Letter and Claim Form

Once we have reviewed your Application Form and approved the establishment of a Recycling Fund for your organisation, you will be sent a Conditional Grant Award Letter and a Conditional Grant Claim Form. When you receive these documents please complete and sign the Conditional Grant Claim Form and return to us as soon as possible.

Step 5

Establishing your Recycling Fund and begin utilising the fund

Once you have returned your Conditional Grant Claim Form, we will transfer the funds into a ring-fenced account set up by the Public Sector Body applying.

At this point your organisation, in partnership with us, have established a Recycling Fund and your organisation can begin utilising said funds for energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects across your organisation.

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