The purpose of Scotland's Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Fund (‘The Fund’) is to stimulate and accelerate the delivery of heat decarbonisation projects for Scottish local authorities, universities, and arms-length external organisations. Grant funding can be used for projects that work towards these aims providing that they adhere to Salix’s eligible criteria list.
A minimum 20% contribution is required from applicants, with the remainder eligible for grant funding from The Fund. The grant contribution from Salix must be used towards capital costs, including financial costs incurred for: the purchase of physical assets; costs of project build, installation, construction and commissioning; project management support for the capital project (e.g. external consultancy and management fees); enabling and ancillary works where these are directly linked to the core zero direct emissions heating system/ capital asset being installed; non-reclaimable VAT for eligible capital costs.
The 20% client contribution can be used for enabling works such as Distribution Network Operator costs. Please note that even if Distribution Network Operator costs are not a factor in the application, this 20% applicant contribution must still be provided towards the total grant amount. The following are not eligible to be funded through the grant:
- Existing employee costs
- Costs previously incurred prior to the agreed project start date
- Costs associated with legislative planning requirements
- Contingency - some additional funding may be considered on submission of a change request (subject to availability and evidence of need)