Applications now open for exceptional sustainability initiatives across the UK at the Green Gown Awards

Salix is sponsoring the Green Gown Awards UK & Ireland category for the Sustainability Champion award. 

This is an individual award open to both staff and students at a tertiary education institution and will recognise people at any level who have worked hard at implementing a sustainability project and or initiative (or several) and whose involvement has made a positive impact on their peers, their institution, their students, their local community or their local workforce.

A key criterion is actions that have been taken over and above the normal requirements of people’s jobs. Applications must provide evidence of impact, and of good leadership/championing practice in engaging and inspiring others.

Hayley Bristow

“We were blown away with the number of incredible sustainability initiatives taking place across the UK last year. I can’t wait to see what this year brings to the awards.” 

Hayley Bristow Programme Manager for Higher and Further Education Salix
charlotte bonner

"The Green Gown Awards recognise the very best in sustainability action and innovation across the tertiary education sector. Being part of the judging is often a highlight of my year. The Awards don’t just celebrate successes but help provide stories and lessons that we can all use to inform our work in future."

"We know the scale and urgency of the sustainability challenges we face – the Green Gown Awards give us chance to pause, remember how far we’ve come, and give us inspiration to continue with our work."

Charlotte Bonner CEO EAUC and delivery partner of the Awards

Last year, Lee Hibbett, Technician Manager in the Faculty of Estates at the University of Nottingham won the Sustainability Champion – Staff award for his work on setting up the Technical Sustainability Working Group, a group of lab technicians working to embed best sustainability practices across the whole University. 

Carlos Shanka Boissy Diaz, student, at the University of Bristol won the 'Sustainability Champion – Student award' for his exceptional campaigns to divest from unethical investments, embedding education for sustainable development and more.

Get inspiration from past winners and finalists here.

This year's categories for Sustainability Champion for both staff and students – are now open for entries. 

The Stage 1 deadline is midday, 5 June 2023. 

For more information, visit Green Gown Awards